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When National Geographic started production on “The Long Road Home”, a scripted drama series based on real-life service members, their lives and the effects of deployment, they knew the show would carry great weight with veterans - and they were inspired to help address some of the community’s most persistent challenges.

Historically, technology has left veterans behind. The expansion of wellness technology has been geared towards the general public, not addressing the specific needs of veterans, a population that can benefit most from these developments.


To address this, 360i partnered with former Air Force psychologist Dr. Michael Valdovinos whose meditation and mindfulness based treatments have been proven to reduce stress and help veterans cope.

360i created “Bravo Tango Brain Training”, a first-of-its-kind voice-powered app that democratizes veteran access to mental healthcare. The app recognizes 40+ moods and pairs the user with an appropriate treatment exercise based on Dr. Valdovinos’ practice.

While most veterans don’t qualify for even the most basic VA benefits, the app modernizes veteran access to healthcare, putting resources and treatment methods at their fingertips. As Mashable summarized, “Veterans dealing with stress have a new option for self-care, and they don't need to leave the house to use it.”


Bravo Tango Brain Training is a powerful tool for an underserved population that delivers renewed attention to important veterans’ issues.

Post-launch, Bravo Tango Brain Training saw an average of 400 unique visits per day, with thousands of unique visitors spending an average of 10 minutes with the program.

This furthers the real-world impact of “The Long Road Home”, helping to make it one of NatGeo’s highest rated scripted series premieres in 2017.


iProspect, una compañía dentsu, es la primera agencia global digital end-to-end.  Su inigualable combinación de estrategia de medios y generación de contenidos, amplificación y conocimiento de las audiencias, define el nuevo territorio de la construcción de las marcas desde los resultados. Al ofrecer soluciones centradas en las personas, iProspect acelera el crecimiento de algunas de las marcas más icónicas del mundo. El equipo de iProspect trabaja a través de una red de más de 8.000 especialistas en medios y performance distribuidos en 93 mercados globales.

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