Dentsu Indonesia Scaling New Heights in 2022

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In response to the exponential growth of the digital economy in Indonesia that has accelerated as a result of COVID-19, as well as the government’s focus on sustainable and inclusive economic development to combat the climate crisis, dentsu Indonesia has revealed its commitment to scale new heights in 2022 and beyond in order to support the nation’s priorities. 

The Indonesian Minister of Trade, Muhammad Lufti through a press statement in June 2021, has estimated the Indonesian digital economy will grow up to eightfold by 2030, from Rp632 trillion to Rp4,531 trillion. Furthermore, Indonesia’s GDP is predicted to reach more than 55% of the total GDP of ASEAN countries in 2030. This seemed proven by the fact that Indonesia is the fastest growing and the largest digital economy market in Southeast Asia, according to the World Bank.

Despite all the predictions, the Indonesian Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology - Nadiem Anwar Makarim, recently in November 2021 has expressed that Indonesia still lacks millions of digital talents to fulfill Indonesia's aspirations to become a digital economy country.

Dentsu Indonesia, one of the country’s largest integrated agency networks, feels a deep sense of responsibility to play its part in achieving the nation’s Digital Economy and Environment, Sustainability, and Governance (ESG) goals by being a Force for Growth and Good.

Prakash Kamdar, CEO of dentsu Indonesia and Singapore, said: “We have a strong digital foundation and conscience at dentsu Indonesia that we will continue to strengthen so we can scale and help Indonesia in achieving new heights.” The newly appointed CEO of dentsu Indonesia, in addition to his remit as CEO of dentsu Singapore, conveyed that the network will continue to scale its creative, media, and customer experience management (CXM) capabilities and launch innovative solutions for both incumbents as well as start-ups, with its ‘Gotong Royong’ spirit.

Kamdar added that dentsu Indonesia sees five key trends accelerating in 2022:

  1. An increasingly data, algorithmic-driven, and more connected world to drive more personalized and compelling consumer experiences, however, balanced with personal data privacy needs.
  2. Pandemic-related lifestyle changes continuing. especially eCommerce, Live Commerce, Gaming, eHealth
  3. The Metaverse accelerates and perhaps Web 3.0 as well, in view of Big Tech’s big bets on the metaverse.
  4. Profit in Purpose - it will become unprofitable for companies to drive reckless growth & consumption at the expense of people and our planet.
  5. A burgeoning demand for physical experiences will explode with people being largely cooped up at home over 2020 and 2021, and therefore a massive bounce back in the travel and hospitality sector.

Wisnu Satya Putra, CEO, Creative dentsu Indonesia, added: “At dentsu, we are constantly finding ways to innovate, and ensure our creative and experience capabilities are future-proofed towards the upcoming trends.” Today, dentsu Indonesia is also launching its very-owned metaverse market - ‘Bitaverse’. First mixed reality marketplace in Indonesia, where a brand can own, build, and sell their virtual merchandise alongside their real product.

Arshad Rahman, CEO, CXM dentsu Indonesia, added: “The digital consumer today is less and less tolerant of receiving irrelevant messaging and content and expects brands to be personal. With the launch of our CXM services in collaboration with our media and creative units, we are here to empower our clients in delivering personalized experiences at scale, through data and digital transformation initiatives.”

Dentsu’s Media service line, already occupying the position of #1 Media Agency in RECMA’s Qualitative ranking and #1 in COMvergence New Business League in 2020 and 2021, plans to strengthen and scale further by consistently expanding its integrated full-funnel media solutions to respond to latest consumer behaviour – including eCommerce and Gaming related. Its media services are powered by razor-sharp data intelligence, leveraging proprietary and syndicated systems and tools.


For further information contact:

Delfi Kartikawati | Marketing Communications Manager, dentsu Indonesia

T: +62 8217 4978 860 - E: