Dentsu Aegis Network ‘Masterclass’ in Digital Marketing

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The Dentsu Aegis Network is hosting a ‘Social is the Mobile for the Millennial’ Masterclass, working with the ever growing start-up community across Melbourne, to boost knowledge and understanding of digital marketing in a consistently changing market place.

The Masterclass series is an education platform that leverages the broad-skillset and expertise across Dentsu Aegis Network, in partnership with start-up communities and marketers across the industry. Sharing specialised insights into emerging technology and current trends.

The ‘Masterclass’ series follows closely behind the launch of ‘Brainbox’, one of several Initiatives launched this year by Dentsu Aegis Network’s Innovation Council to drive innovative behaviour, and thinking, across the business. 

The Innovation council is chaired by Konrad Spilva, CEO of Isobar and Head of Innovation, “The Masterclass series is one of our key programs aimed at fostering an innovative culture. We want to create a platform that allows us to share the knowledge and skillset that we have within the network. We have incredibly experienced and talented people within our business and we want to be able to share some of the innovation methodologies we practice with the broader marketing and start-up community”.

Konrad says, “Earlier this year we partnered with the York Butter Factory, to further bolster our connection with start-up communities and we really want this partnership to start driving results and a two-way conversation that benefits both Dentsu Aegis Network as well as the smaller start-up businesses that are crying out for guidance and support.”

The ‘Social is the Mobile for the Millennial’ Masterclass, to be held at the Melbourne Isobar office next week, will offer insight into the behaviour shift from desktop to mobile, and include presentations from Isobar Creative Director Carmela Soares and Isobar Social Media Strategist Filip Sarna. It will also feature specific insights into how Isobar has flipped its approach to digital marketing in its long-term partnership with Slurpee. 

The presentation will cover Isobar’s principles of Marketing to the social consumer, including:

  • A mobile-first content approach 
  • Native advertising concepts to social media 
  • How the consumption environment defines user behaviour and; 
  • The influence of mobile on social media metrics. 

The Dentsu Aegis Network Innovation Council will be looking to roll-out more Masterclass sessions in 2017, across a range of topics including driving business change and emerging tech.