Våre arrangementer for Kvinnedagen 2021

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I dentsu er vi klare for å #choosetochallenge og vil være en del av løsningen. 

For i dentsu er fokuset på likestilling høyt, og vi jobber mye både internt og eksternt for å fremme dette. Noe av det vi tror på er å fasilitere frem økt balanse og å skape like muligheter. Derfor har vi lokalt iverksatt initiativer som blant annet #upwithdentsu – et program for å øke presentasjonsferdigheter blant kvinner, og vårt eksterne mentorprogram for kvinnelige ledere i bransjen,  og vår støtte til kvinnelige entreprenører via Female Foundry. Vi har satt ned en arbeidsgruppe som jobber med utvalgte bærekraftsmål, der blant annet fokus på likestilling utgjør en viktig og stor del. Dette arbeidet skal føre frem til konkrete planer for hvordan vi kan jobbe mot en økt kjønnsbalanse og like muligheter. Globalt har vi satt oss høye mål for de kommende årene knyttet til dette og innen 2025 har vi som mål å ha et kjønnsbalansert lederskap. Blant annet inkluderes likestilling i våre måleparametere, og vi skal identifisere hindringer for likestilling og jobbe mot tydelige handlingsplaner i arbeidet mot å redusere ulikheter.

I forbindelse med den Internasjonale Kvinnedagen 2021 arrangerer dentsu en rekke webinarer med relevante tematikker. Sjekk ut de ulike webinarene nedenfor, og bli med! 

Detsu x


Monday 08 March

  • 10:00-11:00 GMT: Building Inclusive Workplaces
    We have the power to redesign the way we work, rethink traditional business models and achieve transformational, not incremental, change. By ‘choosing to challenge’ the status quo we can fundamentally transform the way we support women and create a workplace that goes beyond policy change to create a diverse and inclusive culture. Join experts from Heidrick & Struggles, Salesforce and from across our business for this exclusive session, which will examine what's needed to build an inclusive culture in the workplace so that women’s careers can thrive.

  • 15:30-16:15 GMT: Challenging perceptions through our work - Women's Financial Empowerment
    In this exclusive session, we’ll hear from women entrepreneurs and the ecosystem that empowers them on what is needed to build success in the digital age. Join senior leaders from dentsu, experts from the World Bank, Mastercard, and the Global Entrepreneurship Network, and a cycle breaking founder as we discuss the gender disparity in financial inclusion, women's entrepreneurship and how you break through. 

Tuesday 09 March​

  • 13:00-13:45 GMT: Celebrating Women in Creat​ive Business
    Join Jean Lin, Global CEO, Creative, dentsu, Merlee Jayme, Global President, dentsu mcgarrybowen and Chairmom & CEO, Dentsu Jayme Syfu, and Kika Douglas, Executive Creative Director, dentsuACHTUNG! and Allison Miller, Creative Director, dentsu mcgarrybowen as they share how their superpowers have helped them in business, to push creative boundaries and to empower their teams to challenge the status quo.

  • 14:00-14:45 GMT: Championing Women in Sport
    Join panellists from FIFA, MKTG, Coca Cola, and Untapped as they examine how brands are using their influence to achieve equality in pay, sponsorship and visibility for women athletes, with a special focus on women's football. What ground is there left to cover? What is our role as an industry?

Wednesday 10 March

Thursday 11 March

  • 13:00-13:45 GMT: Women in Data, Technology & Media
    In 2021 women still only make up around 25% of the STEM workforce and change isn't happening fast enough. This session, featuring speakers from Microsoft and across our business, examines new ways we can better support women working in Tech, Media & Innovation, and how we can learn to be the change we want to see.

  • 14:45-15​:45 GMT: Getting Down to Business: Achieving gender equal leadership by 2025
    Join Wendy Clark, Global CEO, dentsu, and Shelly Lazarus, Chairman Emeritus, Ogilvy, for a direct and open discussion about their views and experiences on what it will take to achieve parity in gender leadership for the advertising industry in the next 5 years.​