Wan Shin Tan

Brand & Account Lead, Tag APAC

Wan Shin Tan is an accomplished communication professional with a proven track record of managing Top 100 Global Brands across various dynamic sectors including FMCG, retail, hospitality, and telecommunications. With over a decade of experience in the advertising and communications industry, Wan Shin Tan has spearheaded and executed hundreds of integrated marketing campaigns, consistently making significant impacts in the consumer market.

Recognized as an award-winning expert in the field, Wan Shin Tan is known for bringing a thoughtful perspective and valuable experience to every project. This, combined with a strong foundation of trust and camaraderie with team members, has been instrumental in achieving success and driving innovation in the industry. Wan Shin Tan’s leadership is marked by a steadfast commitment to excellence and a strategic approach to brand communication, making a lasting impression in the fast-paced world of advertising.

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