ER24 Logo


Instagram users saved the number


Facebook users visited our Save The Number landing page


CTR (avg FB Benchmark 0.5%)


To publicise the ER24 emergency services offering. Alert consumers to the importance of the number. Get consumers to save the number to their phone.

We’ve all saved contacts to our phones we’ll never actually use. Saved with the best intentions, to learn a new skill, or even just be polite, they’re actually pretty useless. Certainly, none of them could save our lives, so why not save a contact that could?


The campaign featured typically random characters from your phone’s contact list. Contacts you haven't phoned in years, if ever, but are still right there, living in your phone. It ran as Instagram and Facebook Stories with a mechanic that enabled you to save ER24's emergency number directly to your phone.


On a digital spend of just R60 000, our contacts got people talking and delivered some impressive results. 1 967 Instagram users saved the number, and 9 985 Facebook users visited our Save The Number landing page. At an impressive CTR of 4.065% (avg FB Benchmark 0.5%).

About the campaign

To get people to save the ER24 contact number we conceptualised a campaign around the idea of someone talking to you from within your phone. This ‘someone’ was a random contact we suggested be replaced with the important ER24 number.


Part of Dentsu, Dentsu Creative is a Global Creative Network that transforms brands and businesses through the power of Modern Creativity. Led by Global Chief Creative Officer Fred Levron, 9,000 experts across the globe work seamlessly together to deliver ideas that Create Culture, Shape Society and Invent the Future. Dentsu Creative was launched in June 2022 to address a client need for simplicity.

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