The challenge

The challenge for the SEO team was working with two very basic outdated tools (Keyword stats tool and TMS) to provide crucial data in which SEO strategies were built and roadmaps actioned. This meant more time-consuming tasks performed by specialists, resulting in a waste of hours and revenue. Also, when specialists needed to create a deliverable that would require both sources from both tools as an input, that became quite challenging. Having separate data silos that could not communicate and had no relationship to one another  meant that it was difficult to pull valuable insights from data. Another major challenge was that each client had data saved in a range of progras, from G Suite to Microsoft Teams.  So, we needed a solution to centralize all our clients’ keyword lists and insights in one place.

A driver of change

Digital demands automation. In a world that seems to be everchanging one must adapt and innovate. SEO as a discipline is a very fast paced, algorithm filled discipline. Therefore, we wanted to be a driver of that change. We looked and examined our current scope of work as an organic team and wanted to find repetitive tasks or deliverables that could be automated. From that the idea for iScraper was born. We wanted to build a tool that provided specialists with all the data necessary to base a solid SEO strategy on.

We wanted to have a tool that could do more than automatically categorize keywords and provide one click deliverables like organic share of voice. A tool as a one stop shop for all organic search needs without any restrictions, to save time, provide reliable data and elevate your organic game by providing smart solutions with one click of a button. A tool “built by SEO’s for SEOs”. 

Hours translate into revenue

One of our main aims was to cut time wasted on tasks that could be automated in order to have those hours spent on other work simultaneously. In our world hours translate into revenue. Currently our tool is estimated to have cut our deliverable work time in half. For example, categorizing a keyword list of 5000 keywords is a tedious job. iScraper can do this in approximately in 30 minutes. Another example is doing a competitor analysis, which is a deliverable that can take anywhere from 6-30 hours. iScraper can provide an Excel sheet export in approximately 45 minutes to an hour. Then all a specialist would need to do is to finalize/polish the deliverable and draw conclusions to present to the client.

Contact the iScraper team

Any question regarding this tool, please fee free to contact one of the founders:

Mick de Boer - SEO Specialist