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The average campaign pageviews of the same type


Best sales of cooperative shops increased compared with previous period


Cultural context

Less connection with dads-Under the influence of patriarchal culture in Taiwan, Taiwanese dads rarely express their feelings to their children, as a result, they don’t know what their dads would want/like for Father’s Day.

Market dynamic

Slower market on Father’s Dad-Comparing to Mothers’ Day, market dynamic for Father’s Day sales is weaker at only around 60% of Mother’s Day sales. Yet this may also imply market opportunities.


Based on the insights and limited time and budget, we designed a campaign solution for Shopee utilized CARAT’s design thinking :

「Shopee's 88 Gift Packages for All Dads!」

【Empathize】 We utilized our internal consumer datamining system to find out the kinds of store and product different dads go to, trying to understand the linkage between dads’ interests/characteristics and the products.

【Define】 We then started matching different dad types to the corresponding gift bundles and set forth our strategy to co-create with brands/merchants so they in terms would put out efforts to help release the “Shopee’s 88 Father’s Day gift packages”.

【Create】  After interviewing with brands and visiting physical stores, we invested energy heavily on designing 88 dad types by giving them their unique caricature drawing and short descriptions, so that users can easily find the right gift bundles simply by projecting their dads’ style and interest to the drawings.

【Build】 A mini campaign site was set up within Shopee APP, and via Shopee and collaborating brands’ promotion, including Youtuber and PR news’ voluntary sharing, we officially launched the campaign, the Shopee’s 88 Father’s Day gift packages are off in the market to compete among the fierce competition on Father’s Day sales.


Within just 14days of launch,

1. 190% higher than the average campaign of the same type.

2. Shopee 88 gift packs campaign site boosted sales instantly.

*2023 Festival of Media  Asia-Pacific Awards:BEST ECOMMERCE CAMPAIGN 【Silver Winner 】 / BEST CAMPAIGN FOR A SPECIFIC AUDIENCE 【Bronze Winner】

*2022 Click Awards:Big Data Marketing【Silver Winner】

*2022 Digital Singularity Awards:Best E-Commerce【Silver Winner】

*2022 Brain:Best Design of the Year- Package Design【Gold Winner】/  Best Design of the Year- Visual Design【Gold Winner】/ Best B2B of the Year【Silver Winner】/ Best Shopping Guide of the Year【Bronze Winner】