Ability to track online behaviour of 60% of vehicles


Predict and Influence sales for up to 90% of vehicles sold


Proven results with 4.3x increase in vehicle sales against high probability audiences


Increase In click-through-rates with 1:1 personalisation strategy


Automotive brands face a unique set of challenges. A user’s online experience is distinctly separate to what happens in a dealership. Until now there has been no way for MINI to correlate a user’s online research, with how that directly influenced the sale of a vehicle.


Using the Google Marketing Platform combined with Dentsu OIH to bring in offline sales events. Dentsu could provide MINI with 360 view of the sales cycle.  This data fed into machine learning models enabling MINI to make predictions on the likelihood each individual interaction would lead to a vehicle sale.


  • Full GMP Integration, Analytics 360, CM, DV360 and SA360
  • Ability to track the online behaviour for up to 60% of vehicles sold
  • Predict and influence sales for up to 90% of vehicles sold