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earned media impressions


took action to #RemoveTheBarrier


People with disability are twice as likely to be unemployed as their able-bodied counterparts. All because of a barrier we can’t see – the unconscious bias of employers. 


To bring this invisible bias to life, and encourage Australian employers to #RemoveTheBarrier, we asked the only people who had ever seen the barrier for themselves - people with disability themselves – to show employers what they saw everyday.

Their stories and images became an emotive integrated campaign that lived everywhere from TV to OOH, digital and PR including nationwide radio and TV talk shows. At every step, employers, businesses and the government were invited to join the cause by taking simple, measurable actions to remove the barrier in their workplaces and organisations.


The campaign received 76 million earned media impressions, with over 400 businesses and organisations offering their support, leading to the NDIS announcing its first ever disability employment target – 30% employment by 2023.