solid gold poo




increase in online searches


young Australians to check their poo for signs of bowel cancer


In Australia bowel cancer has always been positioned as an “old person’s” disease with advertising campaigns targeting over-55s.

But over recent years, lifestyle changes have seen the disease become the country’s deadliest cancer for young people too.

Fortunately, survival rates are high when caught early. And the early signs of Bowel Cancer are often visible in a person’s stool.

Our challenge was to incentivise as many young Asutralians as possible to understand the value of their poo, and take a look in the loo.


To show young people how valuable checking their poo could be, we created the world’s most valuable poo, then gave it away online. Based on the advice of Bowel Cancer experts, the $5,000 “Golden Nugget” was crafted from 24K gold by a master jeweller.

For their chance to win it, people simply had to look at their own poo and take a quick quiz designed to alert them if they were exhibiting early warning signs.

The giveaway was supported with online videos, social posts that highlighted the symptoms of unhealthy bowels, an educational site and a widespread PR campaign.


The campaign received 467 pieces of media coverage and reached 70 million people, leading to a 50% increase in searches for “bowel cancer” during the campaign period. Most importantly, over 14,000 at-risk young people completed the quiz and checked their poo.