In our regular series five minutes with, we catch up with parents and carers across our network to hear how they are adjusting to life working from home.
Laura Jennings, Business Development Director, dentsu shares her tips and tricks for new daily routines.

What new processes or routine have you adopted whilst working from home and taking care of your child / children?
- Definitely do school work before lunch and get out for a walk/run/cycle every day
- Don’t worry about them watching “too much TV/iPad” – do what you can when you need to
- Think the night before what creative things you could get the kids to do the next day either with their toys or arts and crafts. Just like teachers prep lessons, it’s helping me to prep the day
What are you finding most surprising about your new routine?
- I’m enjoying seeing how Oscar learns – the teachers are fab and sending the kids videos each day with tasks to try
- I’m enjoying running! Never thought I would say that
- Life has slowed down a little and I’m enjoying more quality time with Oscar than ever before
Do you have any tips or ideas for other parents or carers across Dentsu to help with their daily routines?
- Keep smiling
- Be grateful for yours and your family’s health
- Do what you can/need to get through each day
- If you’re posting images on social – post the good and the bad – all of us are having good and bad days!