Our capabilities
Our industry leading capabilities and approach, ensures we can help our clients optimise their budgets across all key touchpoints of the consumer journey to maximise the return from their investments.
Measurement solutions
We specialise in building tailored measurement and optimisation solutions, built around individual client needs, ensuring we can capture the impact of marketing and non-marketing factors, at any granularity, online or offline, at every stage of the consumer journey.
Our mission is to help our clients grow their businesses by helping them answer the big questions such as:
• How do I build a better business case for marketing to the board?
• What KPI’s are most relevant to my business?
• How does media perform in relation to promotions and other such growth drivers?
• What is the true incrementally and payback of Advertising?
• What is the most optimal media budget and laydown scenario?

Our measurement and modelling suite ensures we can help clients measure their activity at the required granularity and optimise their entire marketing mix, leading to far greater incremental returns.
Market Mix Modelling (MMM) helps disentangle the impact on sales of key growth drivers such as price, promotion and marketing efforts and outside influences such as seasonality and the economy.
Determine which factors are influencing Market Share & Sales
Quantify what sales are driven by each factor
Understand how these factors will drive future growth
Ecosystem Modelling (ESM) evaluates the consumer journey by understanding the role and value of different touchpoints found in a consumer’s path to purchase. Ecosystem modelling is designed to evaluate and optimise campaigns across a multichannel landscape and across several KPIs. This approach is ideal for clients who have a complex brand ecosystem with multiple sales and marketing channels
Total Attribution delivers a holistic view of marketing performance across all channels in one analytical framework, enabling complete ROI optimisation to drive more profitable business growth. It uses a combination of measurement techniques get to a truly comprehensive and granular view of performance and optimizing insights marketers need to hold the competitive advantage against their peers.
Unified in-flight reporting
This solution results in marketers gaining access to regular and holistic results across online and offline marketing activities, with the insights and results required to make business-critical decisions, even while the campaign is still in-flight.
In our experience, creative execution is the second most significant factor impacting advertising profitability. It is also the most significant factor that an advertiser has direct control over.
AdCompass is designed to measure and optimise the impact of creative. It fuses primary consumer research with econometric modelling to identify the key drivers of creative effectiveness and predict the ability of creative to drive sales.
Budget Optimisation
Allocating the most optimal place for every level of marketing investment
Marketers have always faced the problem of knowing how much to spend on advertising to maximise sales. Even once a media budget has been decided there is still the issue of how to allocate it across geographies, brands in the portfolio, media channels and weeks of the year and with what weights.
It is a complex problem that has been made even more complicated by the growth of digital throughout the past few years, balancing investment in targeted communications alongside brand-building communications that supports lead generation throughout the consumer funnel.

We have developed a proprietary tool called Polestar to optimise media budgets based on outputs from modelling or our extensive database of results.
PoleStar is a secure, online tool that takes our model outputs and produces media plans showing the optimal allocation of budgets across campaigns, media channels, and digital sub-channels during different weeks of the year.
PoleStar allows the user to run scenarios based on changing objectives and budgets and respond to business opportunities and challenges throughout the year at any frequency required. The questions we can answer with PoleStar:
• What should the total media budget be to maximise business KPIs?
• What return can I expect for different levels of investment?
• How likely is it that business sales targets will be achieved under different budgets or channel-mixes?
• How should the budget be allocated across sales channels, and at different times of year?
In our experience PoleStar can find significant efficiencies through better allocation of media budgets, creating opportunities for our clients to add $100ms to their sales for the same media budget.
Allocating the most optimal place for every level of marketing investment
We’ve always believed that analysis is only half of the story so using the results of our work to help clients make a real difference is what it’s all about for us. That’s why we don’t just employ Econometricians – we employ experienced Econometricians who understand the business value of what they do and who can advise our clients on how to use modelling to make their marketing much more effective.
This consultancy led approach is vital to getting the best out of the data. It ensures that everything we’ve learnt about our clients’ products and markets during the scoping and objective-setting stage gets incorporated into the models. We take our clients on a marketing effectiveness journey, sharing models at interim stages to get feedback and further improve our analysis. The result? A set of models that make statistical and common sense – models that we can then use with our clients to significantly improve marketing effectiveness.

Our Modelling
Ensuring we measure all the nuances of media and non-media factors correctly
We have vast experience in the numerous modelling techniques available in the field of measurement. We have consolidated this experience and best practices discovered while developing our own proprietary modelling software. This software is designed to support every aspect of our client’s measurements needs and unlock insights and valued recommendations, in an accurate and transparent manor.
Within each model we build, we have two important modelling approach differences that ensures the best in-class media measurement possible for all our clients

#1 - We use a multiplicative modelling approach that allows for interactions or synergies between different explanatory variables in the model. For example, an ice cream brand would expect their advertising to generate more sales during hotter holiday periods than colder non-holiday periods. A multiplicative model accommodates this whereas a more basic additive model would not.
#2 - Given the importance of longer-term advertising effects, we have a proven method for picking these up in our models. We do this by using what we call a dual adstock approach. The model will have media variables for different channels and campaigns, and these will have short-term adstocks with effects that typically last up until 3 months, although sometimes a little longer. In addition, we also use a longer-term adstock for either total spend, or total brand focused spend - this effect would last for usually 3 months to 2/3 years depending on the length of the model.