In our regular series five minutes with, we catch up with parents and carers across our network to hear how they are adjusting to life working from home.  

This week Balpreet Mangat, Managing Partner, MKTG shares her tips and tricks for new family routines.

What new processes or routine have you adopted whilst working from home and taking care of your child / children? 

Once weekly MKTG have been holding a virtual lunch together and every Friday at 4pm we have a virtual drink together – this is helping us to boost morale and ensure we are all still feeling connected. 

From a personal routine perspective, juggling home schooling and working from home is challenging, but we have found that by starting our working day earlier and adapting our schedule around client needs, it allows us to be productive and ensure we cover core working hours. Overall, everyone has been supportive of the different working from home scenarios we all have.

What are you finding most surprising about your new routine? 

That some meetings could have been calls. 

Looking for a new backdrop for each teams meeting call is one of the most exciting elements of my working from home days in isolation currently 😊

 As it is difficult to get the same connection over teams call than in person – we have been finding that isolation and working from home is leading to clients and our teams getting to know each other and our capabilities better. 

Do you have any tips or ideas for other parents or carers across Dentsu to help with their daily routines? 

To maintain routine – as a family we all get up early to get ready for work and the kids are dressed ready for a 9am class with Joe Wicks. Some days are harder than others, so we don’t put too much pressure on ourselves to do everything, but try to maintain some element of routine.